June 10, 1754 New-York Mercury The boat in the first of the paragraphs isn't identified as a sloop, but likely it was, and it's an interesting story anyway, and similar to other stories of sloops overset by wind. And the sloop in the second paragraph wasn't necessarily a Hudson River sloop. The same Day ["Tuesday last", i. e., June 4], about 7 o'Clock in the Evening, we had here a smart Thunder Gust, attended with a very violent Gale of Wind, that continued about half an Hour, in the Midst of which a Boat belonging to Derick Schuyler, Esq., of and from New-Brunswick, (Thomas Chelwell Master) with Passengers, being then off Robin's Reef, in our Bay, overset, by which Misfortune, Sears, White and Berry, Passengers, and two Germans from Pennsylvania, were drowned, the Rest 13 in Number, preserved themselves by the Ropes, Timbers, &c. of the Boat, until the Head of her Mast gave Way, when she righted again, but continued pretty much under Water; when one of the Staten-Island Ferry Boats came along, took them off, and brought them to town: The Boat is since taken up, and carried to Staten-Island, when the five Persons above mentioned were found dead in her Cabbin. We hope this will be a sufficient Warning to all who are ambitious in carrying Sail too long, for by the Obstinacy of one, 'tis plain that five Persons have lost their Lives, and 13 more in imminent Danger, when in all Probability, had they taken proper Methods, they could have weather'd the Gale, as well as several others then in the Bay; but the Boatman continued deaf to their repeated Intreaties until it was out of his Power to remedy the impending Evil. Last Wednesday Night, some Villain went into the Cabbin of a Sloop lying at Cannon's-Dock, and finding the People asleep, stole from thence the greatest Part of their wearing Apparel, and went off undiscovered. Last Friday the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq., our Lieutenant Governor, accompanied by several Gentlemen of Distinction of this City, embarked on board a Sloop fitted up for their Reception, and sailed with a fair Wind for Albany, to attend the Treaty appointed to be held with the Five Nations of Indians at that Place. And Yesterday the Commissioners from Pennsylvania, and Maryland, with a great Number of private Gentlemen, embarked on board other Sloops for the same Place, to attend the Treaty above mentioned.
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AuthorThis collection was researched and catalogued by Hudson River Maritime Museum contributing scholars George A. Thompson and Carl Mayer. Archives
June 2024
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