March 10, 1755 Boston Evening Post About Twelve o'Clock last Monday Night, in a violent Storm of Wind and Snow, Capt. Hatch, in a Brigantine inward bound from Jamaica, was forced on the Rocks near Cohasset, where the Vessel was beat to Pieces, and with the Cargo entirely lost; but the Men, with the greatest Difficulty, saved their Lives. -- About the same Time and near the same Place, a Sloop from the North River, bound to Nantucket on the Whaling Account, was put on Shore, and received so much Damage, that she is not able to perform her Voyage. March 11, 1755 Boston Gazette or Weekly Advertiser Brigantine breaks up near Cohasset. About Twelve o'Clock late Monday Night, in a violent Storm of Wind and Snow, Capt. Hatch, in a Brigantine inward bound from Jamaica, was forced on the Rocks near Cohasset, where the Vessel was beat to pieces, and with the Cargo entirely lost; but the Men, with the greatest Difficulty, saved their Lives. - About the same Time and near the same Place, a Sloop from the North River, bound to Nantucket on the Whaling Account, was put on Shore, and received so much Damage, that she is not able to perform her Voyage. Two Schooners deep laden with Grain, and a Sloop with 60 or 70 Men, from, Philadelphia, came over, the Shoals with Capt. Hatch, of whom we have not yet had any certain Account. In the said Storm, a Sloop from the Eastward with Wood, was cast away and lost, but the Men were saved, and are come to Town. We have also a Report, that a Ship is cast away near Plimouth; and several smaller Vessels on the same Side of the Bay, of which we have not yet got the Particulars. June 9, 1755 Boston Evening Post. (Boston, Massachusetts) Port of BOSTON, June 7.. Entred in, ***. Entred out, ***. Cleared out, *** Coddington for Albany, *** June 23, 1755 Boston Evening Post Port of BOSTON, June 21.Entred in, Martin from Antigua, Finney from Jamaica, Trefry and Stanton from Newfoundland, and Homer from Halifax. Entred out, Gay for Nova-Scotia, Earl for Rhode-Island, Brooks for Connecticut, Wimble for New-York, Bispham and McKay for Maryland, White and Andrews for West Indies, Reed, Watt and Hunt for Europe, Ingraham for Portugal, King and Phillips for London. Cleared out, Wadson and Chaplen for Bermudas, Kirkwood for London, Hall for Halifax, Mackay and Bispham for Maryland, Gordon, Andrews and Emery for West Indies, Garret and Standley for North Carolina, Jacocks for Cork, Loring for Bristol, Cushing for Albany, Tew for Rhode-Island, and Warner and Brooks for Connecticut. Imported in the last Ships from LONDON, July 28, 1755 Boston Evening Post. Port of BOSTON, July 26.. Entred in, *** Cushing from Albany. Entred out, ***. Cleared out, *** October 5, 1755. Diary of Samuel Chandler. October] 5 Sabbath cloudy small rain in the morning we sat out about 9 clock rode 8 miles to Nobles where is the Gore or contested Land. Very fine Land and pretty good roads. . . . Thence to the Stone House at Claverac Lawrence Hoogebooms the Lands here are in Leviston' Manour we rode on the Kynderhook & lodged at Anthony Quakinbous a Dutch Town compact and scituate on a River much Intervale. We met many soldiers returning from the Camp. in Kynderhook abt 100 familys. Settled about 120 years in the Town 24 Taverns. Went into the Chh [church] a small building square & square roof arched overhead a Altar before the Desk. 6 Sat out over a pitch pine plain to the half way House Peter Hod-a-wie at Squotoc From thence down to Greenbous to a Tavern On the sign is Intertainmente for man and Horse at this Tarry House a fine walk up & down the River settlements all along. up abt half mile are passd the ferry the river Larger than Connecticut. Here I saw Mr. Grayham Chaplain *** the ferriage of a man & Horse 10 coppers. We got into Albany before sunset. The Dutch Chimneys have very small Jambs with 3 o4 4 rows of Tile Some no Jambs at all We took up Quarters at Lotteridges which is called the English Tavern. Major Kingsbury and I lodged at the opposite corner at Wid. Jenaverie a private House. The City of Albany Has 2 Chh. an English & a dutch tis situated on the west side of Hudsons River abt 155 miles from New York the Town or City is picadoed abt 2 miles round on the west side on a High Eminence is a Fort or Citadell Stone & Lin=me 4 Bastions acute Angles abt 45 to handsome buildings or Barracks Brick fences but stone on the back side abt 14 Guns 2 before the Gate Garrisoned by an independant compnay of 100 men Capt Rutherford 15 men mounted upon guard the east side of the fort next the town abt 24 loop holes upon the Parapets th 2 cch are i Broad astreet that goes from the Fort to the water and a market between them Some Stone Houses many Brick & some of the streets paved though irregular and rough Fort from the river abt half a mile the chh are stone. the House Generally Ends to ye street & brick ends & stone & wood Back & gutters all along reaching far over the streets Many rows of small Button trees along the streets the Brick Houses many of them curiously floured with Black Bricks & dated with the same the Governours house has 2 Hearts in Black brick House chiefly but one story high & Brick ends notched Like steps window shutters, & Loop holes in sellars On the Top of the Houses for weather cocks Horses Lions Geese Sloops &c &c Their Bells very often ringing the rind and not tool [toll] for a Funeral. The settees at their doors are kept scoured very neat. Albany abt North from Kynderhook Albany is the center of Madam Ranslaws manour which is 24 miles square. From the north Gate to the water is a fine wall of stone & Lime with loop holes Their Beds are Boxes boarded Bottom & a feather Bed 1 sheet under & cover with blanket. "Extracts from the Diary of Rev. Samuel Chandler." New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. 17, no. 4 (October 1863), p. 348.
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AuthorThis collection was researched and catalogued by Hudson River Maritime Museum contributing scholars George A. Thompson and Carl Mayer. Archives
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