Sales at Auction. By Frederick Jay, On Monday, the 19th inst. XII o'Clock, at the Coffee-House, (If not sooner sold at Private Sale.) The fine fast sailing Sloop .CHARMING SALLY, Burthen about 70 tons, well found, and will be sold very cheap for cash. -- Enquire, at No. 32, John-street, or at No. 11, Queen-street. *** FOR SALE, By private Contract, That Fast sailing Sloop NANCY, NOW lying in the Albany Bason, burthen about 56 tons, built at Stonington, and not a twelvemonth old, has been two voyages a fishing, complete in sails and rigging, a good cabbin, with births and divisions, and well calculated for a coaster, or North River Trader. Any person inclining to purchase, may hear the conditions by applying to VINER VAN ZANDT, Feb. 8 No. 202, Water Street. New-York Morning Post And Daily Advertiser (New York, New York), February 10, 1787 TO BE LET, And possession given the 1st day of May next, A Large three story brick Dwelling House, No. 15, Duke-street, containing eleven rooms, with fire places in each, with a large kitchen and collar under, a good yard and cistern belonging to the same; and has every convenience and accommodation for a genteel family. Also that commodious and large Store House adjoining the above, leading from Duke to Mill-street, now occupied by Shaler and Sebor (formerly by Perry, Nays and Sherbrook) is well known by the Connecticut, New-Jersey and North River Traders. It is very convenient for a wholesale merchant, having the upper and lower stores shelved; and a large dry cellar under, on a level with the street, and will contain 130 puncheons of rum. for terms apply to Wm. Ustick, No. 33, Queen-street. New-York Packet (New York, New York), February 16, 1787 1787-03-20 New York Packet. To be sold, at public vendue, on Monday the 2d. of April next, the farm late the property of Stephen Hunt, deceased, situated near Delancey’s mills, in the township of Westchester. It contains about one hundred and fifteen acres, a convenient proportion of which is wood, arable and meadow land. On the premises are a large and convenient two story dwelling house, a kitchen separate from it, a good barn, cyder mill, &c. with a large bearing orchard, besides a variety of other fruit, such as apricots, nectarines, plumbs, pears and peaches of every season. Its situation is pleasant, and calculated for a gentleman whose inclination leads to a country life; as also for a farmer who wishes to profit by keeping a flock and dairy, as it lies in the vicinity of an extensive common, and near a large tract of salt-meadow, from whence hay, in any quantity may be procured at a trifling expence. It also lies within three quarters of a mile of a public landing, from whence market boats ply to and from New York twice or three times a week. An indisputable title will be given, and vendue held on the premises, at 2 o’clock. The conditions will be made known at the time of sale. The Sloop VICTORY, Jeremiah Haley, master, WILL sail for Albany, about the 10th of April. Any person wanting freight or passage, may apply to said Haley, at his dwelling-house in Groton, at Mistick-River. Said Haley will land freight any where on the North River. She is a very convenient vessel for moving families. Stonington, March 1st, 1787. Connecticut Gazette; and the Universal Intelligencer. (New London, Connecticut), March 2?, 1787 NEW-YORK, March 17. It is with regret we announce the sudden death of so valuable a young man as ALEXANDER CLINTON, nephew of his excellency the governor, who on Tuesday last was unfortunately drowned in the North River. He was on board of a North river boat, going up the river, and fell overboard by accident. -- While floating on the water, he with great composure told the boatmen he could take care of himself till they could put about and take him up. -- Three several attempts were made to get to him, but without effect -- he had two brothers on board, who were also active to relieve him, but their efforts were vain! Fate dropp'd the curtain, he sunk into the abyss of the deep, and bid adue [sic] to all sublunary prospect and enjoyments. Middlesex Gazette (Middletown, Conn.), March 26, 1787 POUGHKEEPSIE, March 28. Arrived at this place on the 23d inst. the Sloop Lydia, Capt. Nickerson, in 14 days from St. Bartholomew. *** With sorrow we announce the sudden death of ALEXANDER CLINTON, Esq. eldest son of General James Clinton, and nephew to his Excellency the Governor of this state. -- This gentlemen, on Thursday, the 15th inst. as he was passing in a pettiauger to Bull's Ferry, about seven miles up the North-river (in company with two of his brothers, and several other gentlemen) unfortunately fell overboard: He swam of a few minutes on the surface of the water, during which time, he with admirable composure told the gentlemen on board, that he could take care of himself till they could put about and take him up. Notwithstanding their most strenuous efforts, added to those of the boatmen, the vessel, unhappily missed stays, three several times, and ere they could arrive at the fatal spot, the unfortunate youth waved his hand, we suppose as a signal of his departure from the confines of time, and then sinking beneath the stream, vanished from their sight. The impressions which this melancholy catastrophe made upon the minds of his brothers and friends, who were the sad witnesses of it, it is impossible to describe; their hearts were too big for utterance. -- Thus, at so early period of life, as his 23d year, this promising young man was hurried from the stage of time, to the inexpressible grief of his relatives and numerous friends. [two paragraphs of praise for his character and patriotism] Country Journal (Poughkeepsie, New York), March 28, 1787 ARRIVALS. *** [Sloop] Susan, Mills, Albany *** Independent Gazetteer. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), April 16, 1787 Sales at Auction. By Frederick Jay. *** At the House of Mr. John Keating, Great Dock Street. *** The Sloop Lucy, As she now lyes on shore opposite the city, built for the Albany trade, 90 tons burthen, she is a good vessel. Her materials to be seen at Mr. Keating's, and ehr inventory and . . . at No. 11, Queen Street. Also will be sold on the same Day, A Negro Man and Woman, To as good Slaves as any in the city; also a complete set of Flax Seed Works, and 7075 Continental Dollars. New-York Morning Post (New York, New York), April 25, 1787 NEW-LONDON, May 11. THOMAS ALLEN's Marine LIST. Thursday, May 3. Pleasant, serene morning, wind a N. -- meridian W. *** Sailed, Sloop -----, Robert Colfax, master, for Hudson. *** Middlesex Gazette. (Middletown, Connecticut), May 14, 1787 1787-05-19 Daily Advertiser. Window Glass, Paints, Nails, & c. Stewart and Jones, have just received by the last vessels from London and Bristol, a general assortment of window glass, paints and nails, together with a large assortment of ship chandlery, cordage, & c. which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They have still remaining on hand a few chests Best Hyson Tea and a small quantity of china, cups and saucers, received by the Sloop Experiment, Capt. Dean, lately arrived from Canton. May 16. Tf. For SALE, A Strong SLOOP ABOUT twenty-six tons burthen, well found, of an easy draft of water, calculated for the River Trade. -- Also, Fifty Thousand Red Oak Hogshead S T A V E S. ☞ Enquire at No. 33, Maiden-lane. New-York, May 28, 1787 m. th. 1w. New York Morning Post (New York, New York), June 21, 1787 For ALBANY, THE SLOOP JOANNA, Benjamin Allen, Master, will sail on Tuesday next. -- She has genteel Accommodations for Passengers. -- For Freight or Passage, apply on Board said Vessel, lying at Clark & Nightingale's Lower Wharf. Providence, July 5, 1787. United States Chronicle- Political, Commercial and Historical (Providence, Rhode Island), July 5, 1787 FOR ALBANY, On or about the First of September, The SLOOP JOANNA, Benjamin Allen, Master, having genteel Accommodations for Passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or William Sheldon, at the lower End of the Town. Providence, August 24, 1787. Providence Gazette and Country Journal. (Providence, Rhode Island), August 25, 1787 For SALE by AUCTION, This Day, At the Coffee-House at 12 o'clock, The SCHOONER St. FRANCIS, BURTHEN about 30 tons, well found in sails and rigging, and calculated for the coasting or river trade. To be viewed at the Old-Slip. Daily Advertiser (New York, New York), August 27, 1787 The Sloop Dolphin, Captain Bissett [?], belonging to this place, sailed last Wednesday for the West Indies. Country Journal (Poughkeepsie, New York), October 3, 1787 Looks like it might be Bassett, but he's called Bisset in 1788-04-15. NAVAL OFFICE, Port of BOSTON. ENTERED in, since out last From *** CLEARED out [For] Schooner Weymouth, Tenile, Albany Boston Gazette, and the Country Journal. (Boston, Massachusetts), October 15, 1787
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AuthorThis collection was researched and catalogued by Hudson River Maritime Museum contributing scholars George A. Thompson and Carl Mayer. Archives
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